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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you answer all your emails?

Where do you get your ideas?

Where and when were you born?

Who is you favorite author?  What is your favorite book?

Will there be a sequel to Once Upon A Marigold?

Where can I find copies of Into Wind, Song of the Sea or Weather the Storm?

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Do you answer all your emails?

I do answer all my emails. However, because of firewalls or other kinds of filters, not all of my replies get through. I seem to have special problems with hotmail addresses. So if you don't get an answer to a question or remark you send me, it's not because I haven't tried. I always try twice, so if you can somehow unblock your email when you write to me, I'll do my best.

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Where do you get your ideas?

I get my ideas from things I read, observe, overhear,and from things other people tell me.  The bigger question is, why do some ideas appeal to me and others do not?   I haven't got an answer for that one. But I do like to pick an idea that will keep me interested for the long time--usually around  a year-- that it takes me to write a book.

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Where and when were you born?

I was born in Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas on Jan. 24, 1939. My father was an army doctor stationed at the hospital.

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Who is you favorite author?  What is your favorite book?

When I was a child, my favorite books were the L. Frank Baum Oz books. Now I have a lot of favorite authors, but my favorite book of all time is To Kill A Mockingbird. It has everything--heart, mystery, interesting characters, and an ethical dilemma that remains undated.

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Will there be a sequel to Once Upon A Marigold?

I had no intentions of writing a sequel to Marigold. The point I was trying to make when Queen Olympia shows up again at the end is that none of us knows what tomorrow holds for us. We have to be ready to respond to whatever waits around any corner. However I have had so many requests for a sequel that I have resently begun writing one. As soon as it is finished I will post the publication date on my web site.

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Where can I find copies of Into Wind, Song of the Sea or Weather the Storm?

These books have been out of print for years. However they are available on as a print on demand option as show on my home page.

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Jean Ferris
Copyright � 2002   Published by Harcourt, Inc.
and reproduced with permission. All rights reserved,
Revised: January 17, 2007.